Healthy School Vending

A key factor in ensuring your school’s success with fostering a healthier environment and healthy habits is providing access to healthful snacks. If available, vending machines should adhere to the standards set by USDA's Smart Snacks program; this ensures students can make nutritious choices during lunchtime hours at school!

USDA Smart Snack Guidelines

What qualifies a snack to be considered a “Smart Snack” by the USDA?

Download USDA Approved Snacks List

Time to Take Action

To encourage healthy eating habits among students and staff, a complete inventory of vending machine items should be done. Furthermore, surveys can help determine what snacks are desired as well as which ones would benefit from being added to the selection. Negotiations with vendors will ensure an increased number of healthier options available while educational resources such table tents in cafeterias and school announcements will inform everyone about making better choices when it comes to snacking. To make those options more accessible price-wise too, pricing structure changes may also need to take place alongside rearranging where certain snacks appear on the machines – think ‘Healthy Choice’ symbol near eye level!

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